Friday, November 11, 2011

Potty Training

We've been potty training Julia this week. It's been full of surprises. Like the "surprise" I found on the stairs this afternoon. Well, that and the first day wasn't so bad, the second day was pretty good, the third day was awful, and today has been a mixed bag. I thought things were suppose to start out bad and get better. Now I'm not sure what to expect. I think we are all just trying to figure this out without driving each other crazy. Julia and I are not used to being home so much and get a little stir crazy by the end if the day. Also, Julia hasn't napped all week either which makes her crazy by dinner time. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?


Kevin Wheat said...

When Garrett was being potty trained there were a good days and bad days. After a couple of good days in the summer, I took him to the swimming pool and while we were waiting for them to let us in the pool, he starting peeing. There wasn't much I could do but let him finish...I was just glad he didn't pee IN the pool that day! It will happen! It just takes a lot of time and patience! Being patient is the hard part! :)

Mbeth said...

i hate potty training. it has not gone well in this house. i've decided to wait until he actually cares.