Thursday, November 01, 2012

Julia's Soccer

The kids got to bring their Halloween costumes on Halloween and take a team pictures
Yesterday was Halloween, but it also so happens to have been the last day of Julia's soccer class. This was the first time she has done a class that didn't involve my participation as well and there was a bit of a learning curve for her. After the first very successful class, she started having a hard time listening to what the coach was telling her to do. She wanted to just run around and do what she wanted. After a couple classes, some talks about how important it is to listen to her coach, and a promise of suckers after class she started doing better. By the end she was the perfect little soccer player.

Telling something really interesting to her coach. I wonder what it was.
The program is designed to introduced kids to fitness and soccer by making it fun. So they mix in games to get them moving along with soccer techniques. The kids all loved it and her coach was fantastic and so energetic. 
They did the parachute a couple times and the parents helped out.

Some actual soccer.

And here are a couple videos. Julia says now she wants to try dance so I guess we'll be taking a break from soccer, but I wouldn't mind her doing it again.

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