Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ESPN College Gameday

Last week Robert spent all week reading on the Cougarboard about ESPN's College Gameday coming to BYU and wishing he could go. So when his uncle let him know on Wenesday he might have an extra ticket to the game for him Robert started making plans to go to Utah. He still didn't let me know for sure we were even going until a few hours before we left on Friday though. We drove half the night Friday, got to Utah at 2:30 a.m. Saturday morning. Robert didn't even sleep and left for College Gameday at 5:00 a.m. Meanwhile Julia and I slept until 9:30 a.m., woke up and watched the Tivo'd version of Robert on ESPN! He made it onto the front row and had a great time.
Turns out his uncle did give him a ticket and he got to go to the game too. Thanks Jerry!
Julia and I spent the day with my family, and Sunday we headed back to California.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

All About Me- Julia 6 Months Stats

Weight-19.6 lbs (95 per.)
Height-26 " (50 per.)
Head Circ.- 17 1/4 (75 per.)

Favorite Activities: going for walks, sticking my feet in my mouth, blowing raspberries, rolling around, creeping backwards until I get stuck halfway under the couch.

Favorite Food: Sweet Potatoes (so far, she only has a diet of six foods)

Favorite Toy: Rubber Pretzel Teether

Monday, October 12, 2009

6 months

Hard to believe this cutie is six months old today! Happy half-Birthday Julia!

Thanksgiving Point

On Friday we went out to Thanksgiving Point to check out the corn maze and whatever other stuff they had there. Julia fell asleep during the corn maze, I guess walking around seeing only rows and rows of corn wasn't that interesting to her. The corn maze this year was in the shape of Larry H. Miller's head, and I thought it was a pretty good maze. I was lost, but then, I wasn't really paying much attention to where we were going. I mostly just followed my brother's as they tried to figure out where to go. I think it also helped that we went during the day, so there weren't very many people there and most of the time in the maze there wasn't another person in sight.

We also took pictures with the pumpkins, went on a hay ride, saw pig races (they were cute little piglets, so it was cute), and went through some fun houses they had there. I think the target age group for almost everything besides the maze was like 4-12 years old, but we had fun and it kept us entertained for a couple hours. Then it got dark...and we went home.

Julia didn't want to look at the camera, she was way more interested in trying to get the hay (unsuccessfully) and corn husks (successfully) in her mouth.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Ramiro Pictures

Four Generation Picture- Me, My Mom, My Grandmother, and Julia

On Sunday after the first session of general conference a lot of my mom's family came over to eat lunch, watch the last session, and hang out together. Julia had good two hour nap during the last session and woke up ready to play with the houseful of people who came to visit.
Cousins with grandpa and grandma

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Cascade Springs

Julia and I are in Utah this week visiting my family. On Saturday we went up American Fork Canyon to see the fall leaves. We stopped at an outlook to take pictures and it was cool, but mostly it was WINDY! When we got back in the car Julia was like "what was that?" These photos are from when we stopped. Afterwards we headed a little lower to Cascade Springs to walk around and take pictures with the colorful leaves. I had left our baby carrier at my grandparent's house a few days ago when we visited them, so we all took turns carrying Julia. She is one heavy baby now.