Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanksgiving Point

On Friday we went out to Thanksgiving Point to check out the corn maze and whatever other stuff they had there. Julia fell asleep during the corn maze, I guess walking around seeing only rows and rows of corn wasn't that interesting to her. The corn maze this year was in the shape of Larry H. Miller's head, and I thought it was a pretty good maze. I was lost, but then, I wasn't really paying much attention to where we were going. I mostly just followed my brother's as they tried to figure out where to go. I think it also helped that we went during the day, so there weren't very many people there and most of the time in the maze there wasn't another person in sight.

We also took pictures with the pumpkins, went on a hay ride, saw pig races (they were cute little piglets, so it was cute), and went through some fun houses they had there. I think the target age group for almost everything besides the maze was like 4-12 years old, but we had fun and it kept us entertained for a couple hours. Then it got dark...and we went home.

Julia didn't want to look at the camera, she was way more interested in trying to get the hay (unsuccessfully) and corn husks (successfully) in her mouth.

1 comment:

Joyful Noise said...

That is one beautiful pumpkin!!! She is adorable!