Thursday, July 09, 2009

Happy 1/4th Birthday Julia!

Julia is three months old today, that's 1/4th of a year! I'm still amazed that this little person is really my baby. There are so many sweet moments that I'm so glad to have with Julia. I think the best part of my day is first thing in the morning when I walk into Julia's room. I come in and unswaddle her and she looks up at me and stops crying and gives me a big grin. Or maybe it's it at night when she falls asleep and looks so peaceful and beautiful.

She's so different now than when she was born, it really is amazing how fast they change. Some of her hobbies and interests include:

-Standing up on our laps, with our help of course

-Staring and looking around. At the wall, at people, at toys, at fans, at the TV. She especially likes the ladybug balloon in her room. She has become very aware that there is a whole world out there to see and she just can't get enough of it (which means getting her to sleep and eat when we're not at home has become a little more difficult since she is always so distracted)

-Talking. She loves to babble stories to me. Yesterday I was sitting at the playground with her and she was telling me a very long story. A little girl came up asked if Julia was crying and I said "no, she's telling me a story." So the little girl said, "oh, she's telling you a story of being married to a prince." So apparently Julia has dreams of being a princess.

-Sleeping at night! It's normal for her to go 5-7 hours at a time now. It's truly amazing! And she wakes up so happy and talkative. Now we just have to work on sleeping during the day, she hates naps.

Her other dislikes include tummy time (you'd think we were torturing her), hot weather, and being forced to sit (in a car seat, swing, bathtub) when she isn't in the mood for it. She's discovered that if she straightens her back its harder for us to get her to sit.

We love our sweet baby girl and I'm already starting to "forget." You know how everyone says God makes you forget what it's like to have a newborn? Yeah, I look back now and think, oh, it wasn't so bad when she was first born, she was so adorable and sweet and little. I'm excited to see what the next three months have in store for us.


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Julia! She is so cute. Yeah, Eli hates tummy time too and I totally know what you mean about "forgetting". Crazy. We're excited to see you guys soon! (hopefully)

Denise said...

She has grown so much! I can't wait to see her again! Love you all. Happy Birthday 3 month birthday Julia!

Maxine Parrish said...

I can't believe how gorgeous she is! This time really does fly and sooner than you know it, you'll have forgotten enough to want to actually go through it all again! :) Happy quarter-birthday, Julia!

Unknown said...

only 4 more weeks until we see you!!!! Happy 1/4 bday to you Julia, you are beautiful!