Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ward Halloween Party

We had our ward Halloween party on Friday night. It was also unfortunately exactly during the BYU football game, so Robert and Micah watched it on Robert's phone.

Micah gives us his best cowboy face.

Since we had the costumes put together from our family reunion this summer, I was Padme and Julia was Princess Leia. Julia had actually wavered between Princess Leia and just doing her costume from last year again, Princess Aurora. By the time she decided to be Princess Leia I had already gotten Micah another costume, a cowboy.

Camden spent the entire party sleeping in his carseat. It was a Halloween miracle; I actually got to enjoy every minute of the party.
Julia with a friend.

The costume parade.

And of course the best part was the trunk or treat afterwards. Julia was super excited to finally be doing some trick or treating. I think she has been looking forward to Halloween even more this year because Camden's imminent arrival has been a constant reminder that after the baby is born, we are having Halloween. It has been at the front of her mind for a while. 

Micah was a little confused about what we were doing at first, but after a couple cars he got really into the trunk or treating too. So much that after we went to all the cars and went back to our car Micah kept trying to wander away to the next car for more candy. Unlike Julia when she was Micah age, he knows exactly what candy is and loves it. I gave him two pieces of candy that night and he was going crazy wanting to get more.

Our hair after we came home

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