Saturday, June 07, 2008

Wheats Like Animals..

Wheats like animals...Robert and an alligator.Melarie and a night monkey.
Robert and a sloth. Daniel and an anaconda.
... and animals like WheatsYum, Robert tastes good.

The first monkeys are howler monkeys, you can see why they are named that. The second monkey is a cute little capuchin monkey that kept trying to climb up on me. They told us not to let him because he would steal things out of our pockets.


Mbeth said...

that is freakin awesome. You should probably tell that monkey nibbling on robert's ear to back off, he's taken.

mini-wheats said...

dude that is so rad!

Rachey said...

Monkeys are sooo cute!

Jessica Davis said...

Hey, looks like you had so much fun in Peru! I'm jealous...good for you guys for seizing the moment! :) Hope all is going well for you.

Unknown said...

Those are great pictures and what fun animals! Although I would have been so nervous to hold some of those! Hilarious about the pick-pocketing monkey!