Monday, October 27, 2008


Robert and I gave talks on Sunday. Now the entire ward knows I'm pregnant when before only one person did. I thought that was good timing.

I also declared my talk a success after one minute when I introduced myself as Melarie and my husband as Robert, instead of introducing myself as Robert and my husband Melarie like I did during one the last talks I gave. I thought relating that would get some laughs (it did) but afterwards everyone kept referring to me as Robert or making some joke about it. Uh, huh, what did I set myself up for?

On the plus side, four people brought up our talks during comments in Sunday School, so they were actually listening and got something out of it!

I've been really absent minded recently, or maybe I always have been but now I can admit it because I have a good excuse. I now:
-Write case notes for the wrong client in my client files.
-Instead of writing today's date I will often put down some random date, like 8/23/08. Then I wonder, what was I thinking?
- Walk out of the bathroom with my zipper UNDONE. This one is very often and very embarrassing, but I'm usually the only one to notice (I hope).

Nine months can seem like a very long time to wait for something when you are thinking of it all the time (and I don't mean labor and delivery)

I'm almost 16 weeks and I still weigh slightly less than my pre-pregnancy weight. And yet, I have obviously gained a lot of mass around the belly. How can that be? My theory is I am losing muscle from all those lethargic evenings sick on the couch, and baby+baby junk must weigh less than muscle. says my baby is as big as an apple! (No, Robert, that doesn't mean he's as fat as an apple, just as long as an apple. Our baby is not a fat ball.)

My mom sent me a package with Stephens Hot Apple Cider. Yum! I had a craving and went to the store looking for something similar and couldn't find anything here, so I asked my mom to send some from Utah.

One day a week is not enough time to properly maintain a house. We need more Saturdays.


Mbeth said...

amen to the the one saturday a week not being enough time. and when your pregnant it takes twice the time because you have to take naps between each project. once you get bigger it is just not worth it to bend over and pick that stuff off the floor until its been taunting you for at least a few days. oh honey i know... btw are you starting to show??

Jenn said...

I actually got down to 15 pounds pre-pg weight and didn't gain it back til the third tri. I didn't even get sick, just didn't have an appetite.
I'd like to say the "pregnancy brain" goes away after the baby comes, but then it just turns to "mommy brain":). I'd love to see a belly pic, how's that baby bump coming?

Unknown said...

Don't worry the 9 months will go by quickly and then you will be wanting/needing more time to get everything ready for when the baby is here!

Apple cider does sound good right now! :)