Sunday, October 12, 2008

An Update Post

Now for some updates. Our baby is due April 14th, so I am 13 weeks and 5 days (according to my little sidebar ticker). I have been feeling sick for the past month, so I am really looking forward to this second trimester. I mostly have my appetite back, now I'm just waiting for the nausea to go away. (Note to Nausea: Hint, hint, any day now, really I'm ready). I think I have vomited more in the past month than I have in my entire life- sorry if you didn't want to hear that. I think what surprised me most about morning sickness, which for me is more like evening sickness, is the nausea. I always thought of morning sickness as being more like being regular sick, like with a cold or something. But of course, duh, morning sickness makes you nauseous! So I was surprised that my morning sickness has been more like being car sick, everyday. Well, enough about that, I feel like I'm starting to whine.

Robert has been really good about it all. He has been in charge of making dinner during the weekdays (when he's home) which has been really nice. This week happens to be one of the busiest weeks of the year for him, so I haven't seen him much. After Oct. 15 he should be around a lot more. Work on the house has pretty much stopped until I get my energy back and Robert isn't so busy at work anymore. And..that's pretty much it. Over and out.


Sarah said...

Yea for you guys! That's so fun that we're due so close together. Sorry you've been so sick, that's a bummer. Hopefully it will get better soon!

Amber said...

Congrats! "mini-wheat" I get it---Spring is such a great time to have a baby!

Unknown said...

Yay Yay Yay! We can't wait for this little baby of yours. And the sickness does end and soon you forget what it was like. (thank goodness) Then you get just love being pregnant even more!

Pikula's said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting, sorry you are hopefully will get better very soon!!

Bybee Fam said...

OH MY GOSH!! I had no idea there was a mini wheat on the way! Congratulations! That is so exciting!YEAH!! The house looks so fabulous and spacious! I'll be spying on you all the time now!

Mbeth said...

whining is completely acceptable when it involves pregnancy-ESPECIALLY to rob since he's the one that knocked you up :)

Leslie said...

Hey-- congrats on your pregnancy, btw!!! I'm really happy for you. That's wonderful news. You guys will be such cute parents.

Though, I couldn't help notice that your baby is due the day before tax day-- how does Robert feel about that? Hahaha. Just kidding. I'm sure it will all work out for you. Congratulations!

Mimi Nowland said...

Congrats again! A random question, my kids miss feeding the fish on your blog, where can I find it? Thanks!

Unknown said...

It's still on our blog, right after the "Friends" section. If you want to make your own it is a google gadget, just click on "My Fish Bowl" and it will take you to the page.

Jenn said...

Holy cow, you're pregnant?!? Hooray and congrats! Babies are great:). I hope the 2nd trimester helps you feel a little better.