Thursday, November 20, 2008

What Will Our Baby Look Like?

I'm sure every parent spends a lot of time thinking of this. Probably a lot are like me and hope that their baby is really cute, but then know that whatever the baby looks like it's going to be cute to the parents. I was looking at some of my families baby pictures to get an idea of Sandberg babies look like.

Here is Chris's (my older brother) first baby picture. I love this picture. It really captures the "what the heck is going on??" feeling that babies must feel right after they are born. But Chris turned out to be such a cute little baby. I wouldn't mind having a baby similar.
But of course, that's Chris. What about me? Here is me. Being a second child there are significantly less options for baby pictures for me.
I was pretty chubby, so I think was a cuter toddler.
Now I need to find some Wheat baby pics.

1 comment:

mini-wheats said...

Just look in any toys r us magazine or even jc penny's. Thats all us. I know kinda weird but its true.