Monday, October 29, 2012

Ward Halloween Party

We had our ward Halloween Party on Friday. Robert has some pretty specific requirements for him to dress up so we never bother to dress up as a family. This year Micah was Winnie the Pooh, the same outfit Julia wore when she was a baby.

Julia got to chose her own costume for the first time and chose to be Princess Aurora. This is why she was never anything too girly in years past, because I figured she would chose a princess herself eventually.

Julia found out that a lot of little girls wanted to be princesses too. She even found another Aurora. She found some twin girls around her age who were Aurora and Belle. They bonded and had fun holding hands and going to all the games together.

"Another Aurora!"

 Micah was just content to hang out with me all evening.

1 comment:

Robert Wheat said...

I am interested to know more about these costume requirements. I don't recall setting any specifics.