Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's Begining to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Yay, the Christmas season is upon us. Some of the fun things we have done so far:

Robert spent the day after Thanksgiving installing electrical outlets outside so we could have a place to plug in our Christmas lights. We have never put up lights before because we have never been home for Christmas, but this year we are staying in Claremont for Christmas so we were both excited to put up some lights this year.
Julia and Micah pretending to be Mary and Joseph using the armrest covers from the couches.
The Nativity sets are out, including the ones for the children to play with. I found this scene last night by the Fischer Price Nativity, the shepherd riding a dump truck followed closely behind by a Hawaiian tourist. Julia informed me this morning that she was pretending the shepherd is Joseph because our Joseph is lost and that is how they got to Bethlehem.

We also went to our friends house, the Haskins, for their annual Christmas Carol Sing-A-Long. We used chimes on the last two songs.

Julia stole my phone and took a bunch of selfies while we were there. Mostly we didn't see her at all because as soon as we got there she was off running around with the other kids.

 We also went to the Nativity Festival at an LDS church nearby where they had over a thousand nativities as well children's activities.

 I think he was about to smile but I caught him midway into it.

We got out all the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving, but finally got the tree up on Sunday night.

Last Saturday Robert and I went to his work Christmas party at LA Live (Yay! First date night since the baby.) while the Steve and Wendy Wheat family watched our kids. It was their ward party so our kids got to see Santa too. They must have worn Camden out because that night he slept from like 10:30 to 5:00 a.m. and although he hasn't slept quite as long since, he is going five or six hours straight.

And here we are back at Daniel and Amanda's before we left for the ward party.

Micah's not quite sure what to think.

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