Sunday, November 09, 2008

It's Starting to Feel Real

Yesterday we went to Mervyns (I'm so sad they are going out of business) to check out their sales. I found a rack with little kid and baby clothes for $2! Except, I couldn't get anything because they were either very definitely little girl clothes or very definitely little boy clothes. I found a green little onsie that could go either way and snatched it up. Then I also got another green baby outfit that was on sale (everything was on sale) because it was cute and I really wanted to get baby clothes. When I got home I hung them up on the mirror in our bedroom and felt giddy looking at them. Having some baby clothes makes it feel so real. I really will be having a baby in another five months that I can dress and put those clothes on.

What I really should have been looking at was the maternity clothes since I actually do have a tiny belly now and my clothes are starting to get a little tighter. (It was dinner time though, and Robert and I were hungry) It will still be a little longer until I outgrow my clothes, but it's nice to have a little belly. Now Robert can see that I actually am pregnant and not just whining that I don't feel good because I want him to do everything for me. Robert is really cute about my little belly. When I first got pregnant I asked him what he thought about me getting big and he said he probably wouldn't like it. But now that I am getting bigger he loves it. He likes talking to my belly because, "Thats my baby in there!" I really need to find some batteries for our new camera (our old one was stolen) so I can take pictures of my belly now that I'm starting to show.

Another thing that makes our baby feel real is hearing his heartbeat. We had our latest doctor's appointment on Monday and it's just so comforting to hear his heartbeat and know that he (his heart at least) is doing okay in there. I've started to feel more activity in my belly area, but I don't really know what he feels like when he's moving. I can't really say I can feel him moving, but I probably do feel him and not realize it. So right now hearing that heartbeat feels like all we have to know he is really there. Our next doctor's appointment is December 1st and we get to have the ultrasound and see our baby!

Which brings up my next topic. Should we find out the gender of the baby? I really want to. I want to feel connected to the baby and instead of saying "Good morning baby" (like I do now when I wake up) I want to be able to say "Good morning baby Micah" or Good morning baby Julia." I also want to be able to buy cute baby clothes because after shopping at Mervyns yesterday I've realized there is really not much out there that is gender neutral and the baby would end up with a wardrobe full of green and yellow clothing.

Robert wants to be surprised. He figures we have a boy and a girl name, what else matters? We can buy clothes later, even have a baby shower later if we want to. We already want to go as gender neutral as possible since who knows if it would really end up being what the doctor tells us it is. Then we can also use the baby items for our next baby if the next one ends up being a different gender. Robert has even been so kind as to tell me that he would be okay with me finding out and even telling everyone else, but he would still want it to be a surprise for him.

Eeks, I'm torn. I really want to know. Robert really doesn't. I think it would be hard for everyone to keep a secret like that from him. But I guess if he really doesn't want to know...What do you think? Take the poll on the right.

Wow, this ended up being longer than expected. Congrats everyone who is still reading! And be sure to check out the last two posts too! It's rare that we have three posts in one day, but it may be ever rarer that Robert does a post!


mini-wheats said...

BOB, I know you really want to know the babies name! You want to know so you can know which Baby Dodgers shirt to buy for he/she....... Its that simple. David wanted to know what his child was because then he can find out which spandex to buy for him. This is a Prop 8 issue robert, either its a boy or its a girl.

Mbeth said...

my thoughts on the gender subject: you are going to want to feel prepared for this baby BEFORE he/she comes and somethings are gender important. And once the baby comes I am sure things are kinda crazy. I guess you could just keep things nuetral-but boy blue and girl pink stuff is pretty darn cute. My thinking was, I would be just as surprised at 20 weeks as I would be at delivery, and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't going to make the delivery any less exciting. (as far as keeping it a secret from robert-i think he would figure it out fairly quickly by what you are buying.) Those are just my thoughts, but it's your baby. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Rachey said...

First off, you are making me feel like a bad mom already, I haven't purchased any baby clothes! I do almost have the baby room set up though, but no clothes yet.

Secondly, I couldn't stand not to find out the sex. Ryan and I were the same as you, we really wanted to know so we could plan, decorate the room, buy things that weren't gender neutral. I figure there is so much to do after the baby arrives, buying clothes and bedding etc. is the last thing you will want to do. So I think it makes sense to find out the sex so you can get some of those things done beforehand.

Good luck deciding!

Jenn said...

May I highly recommend Motherhood Maternity secret fits pants? I love them:).
I'd love to see belly pics! I'd say totally find the gender this time- the first time you're buying all the baby stuff it's so much easier if you know what to buy for. I'm assuming there will be more kids in the future to have it be a surprise.

Unknown said...

Well if you go the surprise route for just Robert, it is HARD to keep it a secret from him. (my dad and brother didn't want to know and it just wasn't possible to not find out, living with everyone who knew.) So I say either both of you know or both of you have it a surprise! Good luck and we can't wait!

Robert Wheat said...

First off, Kevin, the website you sent me to does not have anything gender specific until the baby is big enough to wear t-shirts (3-6 months according to the website). So I am sure I can order a baby t-shirt in less than 3 months. But you are right, It will likely be the first thing I buy for my new baby boy or girl

Second, the baby room (crib, dresser, paint, etc.) will be gender neutral because we hope to have more than one child down the road, in our current residence.

Third, The only gender specific items (clothing and bedding) can be purchased by Melarie (we already know shes started) and kept in an upstairs closet. I wont look because I really don't want to know.

Last, since everyone now knows that I am the only one who wants this to be a surprise, I feel I can trust you all to keep it as such (This means Mom and Wendy).

Props to Kevin for finding ways to incorporate Prop 8 into every comment without selling out.

Bybee Fam said...

I love the names! Good for you guys to have that figured out. We didn't and had to fight it out at the hospital and I wish we had now. I think you should find out the gender, at least Melarie! We got a gender neutral car seat and stroller, etc. The baby's room we couldn't decorate because we still rent! yeah! But whatever Melarie buys you can just tuck away and if Robert doesn't want to find out he can't peek! Moms buy most the stuff anyway so you'll feel more connected and prepared if you find out! Plus you can always buy an item or two just to confuse him and use them for baby gifts! Congrats! Babies are the greatest thing ever!

Becky said...

Tough call here. I'm thinking that if Mel knows then I can't see how it could stay a secret for the whole time. At some point a "he" or "she" will slip out, most likely during a subsequent Dr appt. (are you going to all of them Robert?)
Cooper we didn't know. Not for a lack of trying. He just wouldn't spread his legs and show us. So his baby blanket that my mom made him was neutral and he had a few white teddy bear outfits in his closet.
Catelyn wouldn't show us either on our first ultrasound appt. So I paid for an extra one to specifically find out her sex. I couldn't stand not knowing again!
Lydia almost didn't show us either but the last few minutes of our appt she let us take a peek.
If Rob would have his feelings hurt if someone slipped up and he found out then I would say that no one should know so there could be no slip ups.

Robert Wheat said...

Yes, I go to the appointments (at least the ones Melarie tells me about before hand) and I would not be upset if it slipped out. I think we are leaning toward the Melarie finds out and tells everyone but me so it makes me wonder how long it will be before I catch on or if Melarie will switch things up to keep me guessing.

Shauna said...

I ♥ your blog! Thanks for sharing :)

Joyful Noise said...

Originally when technology came around so parents could find out the gender I thought it was horrible. I remember the anticipation and excitement of finding out was one of the main things that helped me get through natural childbirth. The exhilaration and anticipation was quite a natural "high".

I guess now I am finally getting used (or is it "use to"? - I never know which is correct....)to the idea of finding out the gender. It sure does make it easier for quilts and shopping. And shopping can sure be fun if you know!

It could be pretty fun to see how long we could keep Robert from finding out.