Saturday, February 28, 2009

It Won't Be Like This For Long

This song always gets to me when I hear it, I guess the pregnancy hormones help because I usually get all teary eyed too. You always hear be grateful for what you have in your life now, but I think I am just barely really understanding that. We've had a lot of changes recently (like the last few years recently) and I look back at each stage of life Robert and I were in and really appreciate the time that we spent in that stage. It does seem, though, like I was always eager for that stage to end and to move onto something else.

When we were single and dating we (of course) couldn't wait to get married. But we did have so much fun. And being married students felt like it would last forever, but those were good times too. I really didn't like living in apartments, but now that we have a house I sure do appreciate not having so much to clean or having to spend every weekend doing yard work or house maintenance.

So now that we will be entering this new stage of parenthood I am happy right now just to be pregnant and working and appreciate that time while I have it. I will never be pregnant for the first time again and I have loved (almost) every minute of it.(I think I just forget about the bad parts because the good parts are so great.) It's been so much fun to learn about pregnancy first hand as things progressed and to feel the baby moving and wonder what she will be like. Things will be a lot different when the baby is here and we have both looked forward to this change for a long time. But where we are now "won't be like this for long" and I want to enjoy every stage of our lives.

(BTW, I had no idea that Darius Rucker was black-that's cool, there aren't a lot of black country singers- or that he was the lead singer of Hootie and the Blowfish before going solo. To hear the radio version of the song you can scroll down to my song playlist.)


Gibbles N Bit said...

Yay for Hootie!

cute song!

Jenn said...

That was really sweet. It's so true, it all lasts for such a short period of time, and we're always waiting for the next phase. Enjoy every minute.

Katie said...

DIDO. This is exactly how I feel. Thanks for the post

Maxine Parrish said...

Such a good point! Really enjoy work now, because you may find it surprisingly difficult to be without once Baby comes and you're stuck at home all the time with little contact with other adults. Of course, it all gets so much better, but it's good you're enjoying each little moment while you're having it (even the nights of no sleep are cherished in retrospect, because you got to cuddle with your baby).