Tuesday, June 25, 2013


A fairly normal day for us today after a busy weekend with family in town for a wedding. The first day back to the normal stuff always seems to be harder though.

Julia claimed this box we got from Costco last week as hers to use as a car. She wanted to paint it, so today I finally let her use her finger paints to paint the box. She made a bit of a mess, but had fun and the paints are easy to wash off.

I learned two things about Micah today. The first is that he dislikes avocados plain. But if you mash it up, add some lime and salt and hand him a veggie chip to dip with he will eat a whole avocado worth of guacamole.

The second is never put him down for a nap in only a t-shirt and diaper. Because if he happens to poop during said nap his diaper is easy to get off and it will be a complete disaster. Enough said.

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