Friday, April 16, 2010

Julia One Year Stats

We have been pretty busy the past couple weeks with family visiting and I have a bunch of posts I'd like to catch up on, especially since Julia turned 1 this week! Unfortunately as soon as our guests left we all (Robert and I and most of our guests back in their own homes) got what we think is food poisoning. Today we're feeling back to normal so we were able to take Julia in for her one year check-up. She really hasn't grown that much since her last appointment...

Height- 28.5 in (25 per)
Weight- 21.4 lbs (52 per)
Head Circ.- 18 in. (65 per)

Hopefully soon I'll be able to fill you in on what we have been doing for all of April.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Julia! She probably hasn't grown much because she's been walking!! Crazy. We thought about her on her birthday, if that counts for anything. :) And sorry you guys all got sick. That's the worst. Yuck. We're excited for all the updates coming.